
Investing.com is a financial markets platform providing real-time data, quotes, charts, financial tools, breaking news and analysis across 100 exchanges around the world in 30 international editions. With 20 million monthly users, and over 170 million sessions, Investing.com is one of the top three global financial websites according to both SimilarWeb and Alexa.

With over 300,000 financial instruments covered, Investing.com offers unlimited access to cutting-edge financial market tools such as real-time quotes & alerts, customized portfolios, personal alerts, calendars, calculators, and financial insights, completely free of charge.

In addition to the global Stock Markets, Investing.com also covers Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, World Indices, World Currencies, Bonds, Funds & Interest Rates, ETF's Futures and Options.

Investing.com strives to be a one-stop-shop for traders and investors with apps available on iOS and Android, which has been the highest rated financial markets app on Google Play for five consecutive years.

Over the years, Investing.com established itself as a trustworthy publisher, allowing hundreds of loyal advertisers the opportunity for global and local exposure, on all available platforms.

Founded in 2007, Investing.com now has over 300 employees across offices in Tel Aviv, Madrid, Tokyo, and Shenzhen.

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